I have "an unhealthy obsession with celebrities". (I think that's how Sarah Jessica Parker put it.) In fact I suspect it may be an undiagnosed medical condition (like ADD and restless leg syndrome a generation ago). I'm on tmz.com, perezhilton.com and gawker.com far more than cnn.com -- and often into the wee hours of the night. Compounding my condition is the fact that my passion for celeb nonsense transcends geographical boundaries
. I'm not content to google American celebs; no, I feel compelled to also google Indian (what's Rahul Gandhi up to?) and international celebs (will Prince William and Holly Branson hook up?). It strikes me sometimes that I should focus on my own family, friends, career and love life (what's that?) not to mention significant world issues (poverty, AIDS, depression among the elderly, 'honor' killings, Darfur, New Orleans). But then I'm overtaken by the urge to read Anna Nicole's diary entries. Sad, I know. But in my own (weak) defense, watching serious news is downright depressing. Watch CNN for a whole week. I dare you. It's not easy without popping Prozac. So there you have it... my confession. Prognosis? Tips?
Bobby, hope you had a nice birthday and tore yourself away from googling celebrities to enjoy Chicago for the night...
For problems like yours, I recommend http://thesuperficial.com
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