Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hillary haters & kickass 60-somethings

This week’s issue of Newsweek has an article on Hillary Clinton. It talks about renewed “dirt-digging efforts” aimed at getting the DL on the first female prez candidate who actually has a shot. The article got me thinking about whether people do hate Hillary and, if so, how many people, why and who? Just Rush Limbaugh? (Maybe that’s what the painkillers were for?) I’ve read other articles too by pundits pontificating about whether independents will vote for Hill, whether women will. What do you think? I’d be interested to hear your comments, so post them! (NDK, at the very least I expect one from you.)

My yoga teacher, who seems like the simplest, nicest woman, says this at least once in every class: “I am not this thought, I am not that thought, I am not thought.” Powerful, no?

On this blog soon I hope you’ll see an interview with the youngest-looking, most active 60-year-old I've ever met. (Thx for the content suggestion, DN.) She’s in my tennis class, and I guessed she was 45... tops. She runs five miles, lifts weights and takes tennis lessons -- and that's just in one day. She says all the 60-somethings she knows are pretty kickass too. What’s that saying about the life in your years and not the years in your life?

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